Coaching Services


What kind of coaching services do we offer?

  • Business Management Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Team Coaching
  • Nonprofit Coaching
  • Enneagram Coaching

What's the difference between these types of coaching services?

Coaching Services

How do I know I need a coach?

If you've got a people problem or a revenue problem, you likely need a coach.
If you identify with any of the following statements, read on or REACH OUT FOR A FREE CONSULTATION.

People Problems

People Problem Statements

The first step you should take is determining the profile for the right hire. You won’t know who to hire until you know what you’re looking for. Use assessment and profile tools to create a “persona” for the ideal candidate. This goes beyond skills. Make sure they have a character, personality, drive, and focus you need for the role and for your company. Once you have the profile, use it to rate the candidates for job fit.

Read our article Finding the Right Hire for more information.

Then you need to make a change. You probably are waiting because you don’t want to hurt them, or you don’t want to feel bad yourself. However, if the role is not good for the company, it’s not good for them. Have the courage to have the hard conversation.  Then, work with them to find the right fit, either outside or within the company. You can fire well, it will just take more time.

Read our article Love in a Business Context for more information.

Step one is to determine who has leadership acumen. Yes, leadership can be taught, but not everyone has the acumen to lead in a company setting. Once you determine who your leaders are, then it’s up to you to intentionally model leadership. This is done via four phases: Directive, Invitational, Coaching, Delegation.

Read any of the following articles:

What Good Leaders Do for Those Who Follow

A Simple Framework for Leadership Development

What Great Leaders Do

This is often because there is no central plan for how the organization is run. Without a plan, everyone does what they think is best, which lead to chaos. So, don’t try to organize the chaos. Instead, bring your key leaders together to create a plan.  Once you have the plan, then you can organize your people, processes, and systems to support the plan. In essence, put form AFTER function.

Read our article 9 Principles for Effective Strategic Planning for more information.

This is the core issue among so many teams. If trust is not established, then it’s hard to move forward on anything significant. Trust is established first by the leader(s) example. This is done in deed, not in word. In other words, I can’t convince you to trust me, but I can show you why you can trust me. And leaders show this by being vulnerable. This means being open, admitting weaknesses, gaps, fears, struggles, and challenges.  Once the team sees this, they will follow suit because they believe leadership has created a safe space.

Read our article Leadership and Laughter for more information.

Finding the right people is a challenge. Step one is to understand what you are trying to achieve. This often comes in the form of a strategic plan. Once you have the plan, you can outline the staffing necessary to accomplish the plan.  Creating staffing needs should include developing profiles for each key role. Assessment tools can be used to create these profiles. Then, develop a step by step process for hiring, and stick to it. Consistency in following the process will create efficiency. As part of the process, determine where to use assessments to see which candidates match the profiles you’ve created.  If they don’t, move on to the next candidate.

Read our article Why Won't You Develop Me for more information.

Revenue Problems

Revenue Problem Statements

This speaks to an operational problem, and lack of defined process in your “throughput”. Gather the leadership team together to gain perspective on the issues, and develop an operational plan that will create efficiency

Read our article 3 Reasons Marketers Don't Measure ROI for more information.

You may need more leads, but you may also need to do a better job with the leads you have. You probably don’t know how many leads you need. Begin by creating a funnel, but do so by working backwards from your target sales number.  For example, if you need $10,000 a month in sales, then how many closed deals does that equate to? To get that many closed deals, how many proposals do you need? To get that many proposals, how many prospects are needed? Got it? Keep going until you get the right number of leads.  This is the starting point. Once you know the number of leads needed, you can build strategies and programs to achieve that number.

Read our article More Leads? What About the Ones You Have? for more information.

This sounds like a sales process issue. Often, salespeople present a good enough front that they get permission for the proposal. However, the proposal should be given to the prospect AFTER the decision is made. So, develop a sales communication process where you are gaining agreement and commitment points along the way with the prospect on issues such as timing, budget, etc. Get these points committed to, and THEN submit the proposal afterwards as a way of summarizing all those points.

Read any of the following articles:

Should We Chase This Deal or Not?

Long Term Customer Relationships

Most organizations have to deal with the rapid pace of change, so this is not unique. The problem is that too many of them run in “reactive” mode instead of “planning” mode.  The best way to get ahead of the curve to determine the strategy (where are we going?) for your company, and then build the operation around that. This is done by stopping periodically and working ON the business. I suggest it be done quarterly as part of developing and implementing a strategic and operational plan.

Read our article Use What You Already Have for more information.

The different types of coaching.

When our partner, Jay Hidalgo, launched his coaching practice in 2013, he wanted to be clear on the difference between coaching and consulting, primarily because for almost 20 years before that, he worked as a consultant. To help distinguish the difference between coaching and consulting, he wrote this…

It’s often been said, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”. This proverb speaks to the fundamental difference between coaching and consulting. Whereas the consultant focuses on solving the problem for the client, a coaching engagement helps the client to develop and implement his/her own path forward. The coach’s role is to serve as a guide along that path.

Once we explain this difference, most people give the “Ahhh, got it” response, and then we move on to the next question… so, what kind of coaching do you do? Our response is usually, “We're business and leadership coaches”. If you’re like most people who ask that question and receive that response, you’re thinking, “What does that mean exactly?”

But, what is a business and life coach?

Great question. In thinking about how to answer it, let's dig a little deeper and answer by providing insight on the different types of coaching being offered today. As an experiment, we conducted a quick Google search on “types of coaching.” The first featured snippet was from the Universal Coach Institute. They listed two categories of coaching: Business and Personal. From there, they listed close to 100 specific types of coaching from those two categories. Did you know there are three kinds of vegan coaches?

Don’t worry, we won't define all 100… Instead, we’ll share our perspective on the kinds of coaching we're most often asked about. We hope this will help you ask the right questions as you think about working with a coach.

The best coaches know their niche and don’t try to be all things to all people, which is why we’ve focused on business and leadership coaching. If we can help you in either of those two areas, please feel free to contact me.

Business Coach

Business Coach

Business coaching helps business owners and executives develop their ability in running and growing a business. The goal is to guide the business owner by helping them clarify the vision, mission, and values, and then helping them to develop and implement a plan to get from where they are to where they want to be. Areas covered are operations, strategy, marketing, talent management.

Life Coach

A life coach is similar to a business coach, except that instead of focusing on the business entity, the focus is on the person and his/her life (which could include their business). The goal is to help them establish and achieve goals, overcome challenges, and make the changes necessary to live an intentional, fulfilled life. In this type of coaching, the coach takes on the role of the question asker and motivator. The coach is not a counselor, which means they do not help the client to deal with or recover from past events.

Life Coach
Marketing Coach

Marketing Coach

A marketing coach works with marketing leaders and executives to help them develop and implement marketing strategies, programs, and processes. Specific areas of expertise are branding, demand generation, lead management process, digital marketing, to name a few. Also, B2C marketing and B2B marketing are key differentiators. The goal of this coaching is to develop the team into seasoned marketers.

Sales Coach

Sales coaches help sales professionals develop sales skills, improves sales performance, and achieve sales goals. This includes everything from training on how to effectively present, developing and implementing prospecting and sales process, managing account relationships, proper follow-up techniques, and closing the sale. This kind of coach is often helpful for the “moment in time” issues that pop up (Hey coach, I have a big presentation tomorrow… can you help me get ready for it?).

Sales Coach
Career Coach

Career Coach

Career coaches help people determine what is the right work or job-related path to take. This often includes helping them to understand how they’re “wired” (what are their skills, abilities, cognitive makeup, etc.), what are their career goals and aspirations, how to determine which jobs or careers fit best, and how to look for and secure the right position

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Our Coaching Services?